Our Partners
Public Safety Canada recognizes the importance of collaborating with organizations that share an interest in emergency preparedness. Together, we are helping Canadians become better prepared for emergencies.
Founding Partners
Public Safety Canada works closely with all Provinces and Territories on emergency preparedness outreach. As well, the following national, non-government organizations helped launch the Get Prepared campaign in 2006 and continue to collaborate with Public Safety Canada on emergency preparedness outreach.

Canadian Red Cross
Prepare for Life. Learn how to prepare and plan from a world leader in Disaster Management and First Aid. The Canadian Red Cross is part of the largest humanitarian organisation that aims to help the most vulnerable in neighbourhoods in Canada and around the world.

St. John Ambulance
Saving Lives – At work, home and play. As Canada's standard for excellence in first aid and CPR services, St. John Ambulance offers innovative programs and products, ensuring Canadians can be prepared.

The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army brings relief to people around the world through its emergency and disaster services. Ready to deploy its resources at very short notice, disaster units immediately work to reduce physical harm and help victims regain control of their lives.

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
The Association is dedicated to the support and promotion of efficient law enforcement and to the protection and security of the people of Canada.

Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs
The Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) is an independent, non-profit organization with a voluntary membership. The CAFC is the national public service association dedicated to reducing the loss of life and property from fire, and advancing the science and technology of the Fire and Emergency Service in Canada.
These organizations share an interest in informing Canadians to take action to prepare for emergencies.
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