Floods – Get Prepared

It is important to prepare for floods and to know what to do before, during, and after a flood. Remember, do not cross a flooded area unless you have no other option.

How to prepare before a flood

You can help protect yourself and your household by understanding this natural hazard and by following basic steps.

Prepare your home

Reduce the risk of flooding

Prepare your vehicle

During a flood

Flood waters can be dangerous and unpredictable. Even floods that look small can be deadly. The best thing you can do when you encounter a flood is to move away from the flood water. 

If flood waters approach your home

If you need to evacuate

After a flood

Use extreme caution when returning to your home after a flood. Restore your home to good order as soon as possible to protect your health and prevent further damage to the house and its contents.

Cleaning up after a flood

Clean up flooded areas around your residence and in your home as soon as it is safe to do so after a flood.

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